VRayVegetalMtl is a material for Vray 3.x under 3DS Max (2014 and more), which can reproduce translucency effects in foliage. All parameters are on one panel, and the approach is simpler than the VRay2SidedMtl. Also this plugin is able to generate translucency while maintaining a good level of contrast, whatever the point of view.
The plugin is downloadable from our shop (boutique) for 20.00 euros.
VRayVegetalMtl :
FrontMtl: all material settings for the « front side ».
• Diffuse
• Reflection color
• Reflection glossiness
• Fresnel reflection (IOR)
• Bump
BackMtl: all material settings for the « back side ».
• Diffuse
• Reflection color
• Reflection glossiness
• Fresnel reflection (IOR)
• Bump
Common: all the settings of translucency and opacity.
• Translucency Fraction: adjusts the fraction of light passing through the object. It is recommended to maintain the value of the fraction between (50,50,50) and (60,60,60).
• Translucency Color : translucency color.
• Translucency Intensity: operates on the intensity of the transmitted color (boost). The adjustment is done in front side and back side. a good value of intensity in front side is between 5 and 6. When VRayVegetetalMtl is used for trees, leaves faces are often oriented in the same direction (front side faces towards the light),then the value of the intensity in back side will be down to 1, to preserve the contrast in the shadows. In the case of grass , blades faces are oriented in all directions, then the backside intensity should be equal to that in the front side.
For blades of grass, if the BackMtl is disabled, the intensity will be equivalent for both sides, back face intensity will be automatically adjusted to the front one.
For leaves, it is better to activate the BackMtl in order to control the intensity of the back side.
• Opacity: masque d’opacité.
• Mode: choix de la méthode de calcul de l’opacité.
Options: optimization parameters.
• Reflect max depth
• Reflect subdivs
• CutOff
VRay2SidedMtl VS VRayVegetalMtl (archmodel 40 – vol.117 with original material settings)